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Test your heating system now, so you’re ready when temps drop later.

Most people only think about switching on their heating system when they really need it – as soon as colder weather hits. However, it really does pay to plan ahead and test your heating system early, usually in September or October every year. Doing so now will make sure that it’s ready to handle the first winter weather and prevent any potential headaches with emergency repairs. By testing your heating system before you really need it, you’ll avoid the need for repairs when you need your heating system the most.

Testing your heating system.

By taking these few quick and easy steps, you can test your heating system to ensure that it is functioning safely and efficiently all winter long.

  • Set your thermostat to heat instead of cool.
  • Test your thermostat. Turn the temperature up high enough to make sure the heat kicks on. If it seems like it’s not communicating with your furnace, put in fresh batteries. If that doesn’t help, consider replacing the thermostat.
  • Make sure the flue and all vents are open.
  • Change the air filter.
  • Once your furnace is on, be mindful of any strange smells and odd sounds.
  • Don’t forget to test or replace batteries in your carbon monoxide detectors.
  • Move everything (especially flammable items) away from your furnace.
  • Make sure to move large furniture away from vents and air ducts it may be blocking.

By marking your calendar or setting reminders to test your heating system every September, you will ensure that it’s ready to heat your home as soon as you need it so you can enjoy a worry-free winter.

Learn more about home heating systems from the experts at Petro Home Services and contact Petro for your home service needs and repairs today!

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