Plumbing protection plan.
Prevent water damage before it happens with our plumbing protection plan.
Your home is one of your most valuable assets — don’t trust it to anyone else but Petro.* Most homeowner’s insurance does not cover repairs to plumbing systems. That’s why we have a plan that can help you avoid any unexpected costly
expenses. More importantly, our plan protects your home by ensuring that any repairs are done in a timely manner. We realize that this kind of protection can also be called peace of mind. That’s what we really deliver. That’s what we’re
really about.
Our VIP Plumbing Protection Plan includes:
- On-call access to service, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
When you call, we’re there for you. This means you can get repairs done quickly before they become bigger problems.
- Plumbing check-up (including repairs to plumbing system)
To ensure your plumbing system is working properly, the plan provides a check-up at your request, once a year.
- 15% discount on regular rates
Our plan gives you a 15% discount on our regular rates for any repair work.
- Quality repairs by experienced Petro technicians
When you ask Petro for help, you’re accessing some of the best repair technicians around. It’s their job to keep your system in top condition.
Sign up for the Plumbing Protection Plan by calling us today at 800.645.4328!
*plumbing services not available in all areas