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5 signs you need an AC tune-up.

Air conditioning (AC) systems benefit from annual tune-ups.

Just as your heating system works great after a technician gives your furnace an annual tune up, your AC system feels great after a similar tweaking, testing, and cleaning, too. Even after your system receives its tune up it’s also smart to purchase a service plan. Service plans offer reassurance that your bank account won’t be exhausted if your AC system develops any unexpected problems throughout the summer.

Signs your AC system needs an AC tune-up.

When your cooling system has a “hiccup” or acts strange, you’ll know it. You will often save large amounts of money and multiple expensive repairs later by having the AC system tuned up now. If you have a service plan, an annual tune-up may be included, so check with your service plan provider.

The most common symptoms of an impending AC problem include (but are not limited to) the following issues.

  • Your system seems intent on blowing warm air, instead of cool air

    When your cooling system runs for long periods, without cooling your home to the temperature you’d like, your energy bills will dramatically increase. You can easily tell if your system has a developing problem when you place your hand over a cooling register. If what you feel is warmer air, your system is wasting electricity by trying to cool your home to your desired comfort temperature without results. There could be multiple reasons for this, but an effective tune up should solve the problem cheaply.

  • Your AC vents put out weak airflow

    If the air coming from your AC vents is cool, but it’s not blowing freely from your air registers, you could have one or more leaky air ducts or you may have a clogged filter. The fix of this problem is cost-effective, which a major repair is not.

  • Your cooling system displays dramatic temperature swings from room-to-room

    If you encounter temperature changes in one room, but not another, it could be sun induced, less insulation than you need, or non-airtight windows. An annual tune up can solve this problem by having a tech look at the inner workings of your AC unit to determine the cause.

  • You hear “unusual” sounds emanating from the AC system

    If you’ve had your cooling system for years, you should be aware of its normal sounds when running. Should you hear strange sounds, you may need a tune up, as quickly as possible, to identify and fix the source of these new sounds.

  • Mold-inducing moisture or odors appear where and when they should not

    When this happens, it normally indicates your outdoor compressor may be leaking or have a blocked – or broken – drain tube. A knowledgeable tune up will fix this issue before you need expensive system repairs or you develop unhealthy mold spores. You should notice an increase in humidity in some rooms, when your system cannot dehumidify some rooms in your home.

The symptoms and signs noted above indicate a problem with your home cooling system. If you schedule a tune up as soon as you notice one of these hiccups in efficiency, your service company, like the true professionals at Petro Home Services, will uncover the cause and fix the issue(s), before it (they) become an expensive repair problem. You can rely on Petro for fast, reliable service from technicians that are the best in the business.

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